Property Development
Property Development Module created by us tracks all development projects that are undertaken by the CDC, and provide integrated project and cost schedules across all projects at any given time. |
» Project Summary – Provides a detailed summary of the project. Included are property characteristics, population type, project cost, and project outcomes.
» Cost Breakdown – Screen for entering a detailed list of project costs and totals
» Project Milestones – Screen for entering detailed project tasks, start and end date, an status of each task.
» Funding Breakdown – Entry of amounts received from various funding sources detailing amounts committed and amount paid.
» Vendor Accounting – Detailed list of invoices received from vendors. Shows cost description, date paid, check no, and amount paid.
» Funder Accounting - Detailed accounting screen to keep track of funds received for programs
» Funder Outcome - Lists outcomes accomplished with funds received. Outcomes could include areas such as educational opportunities, workshops, town watch, and technology enhancement