Social Services System
The social services system is a comprehensive enterprise level solution that focuses on operational and administrative management, inter and intra organizational workflows and client information tracking and reporting. The objective behind the system is to allow organizations to utilize the system to achieve operational efficiencies that allow organizations to focus on their primary business of service delivery to clients rather than be bogged down by manual processes and other administrative obligations. It allows organizations to profile the clients and track them throughout the system. Provides administrators and supervisors the ability to generate and interpret reports for program assessment, evaluation and planning purposes. It also provides the information necessary for applying for various types of grants.
INTAKE: The CCI Intake module is flexible and can be adapted to the needs of the provider. Types of Intake configurations include multiple and single sites, family versus single client sites and after hour’s sites.

HOMELESS SHELTER PROGRAMS: The Shelter Services module allows the provider to manage inflow and attendance at their facilities. Capabilities include monitoring client inflow, recording attendance, creating and modifying units, and shelter reports over various time periods.

TRANSITIONAL HOUSING PROGRAMS: The Transitional Housing program provides housing for clients who are leaving shelter and need temporary housing before moving to permanent housing.  The CCI application provides a complete tracking mechanism from the time the client applies to Transitional Housing to entry into the program.

PERMANENT HOUSING PROGRAMS: The Permanent Housing Module clearly establishes the capacity and track utilization of every kind of housing subsidy and unit assigned. The application track waiting lists for each kind of housing assistance and ensure that clients are placed based on their eligiblity and place on the waiting list.

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS: The Financial Assistance module allows the provider to enter information on two groups of clients. First are shelter clients who with some financial assistance can leave shelter and obtain permanent housing.

EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING PROGRAMS: Many providers have programs designed to assist clients in attaining employment. These programs usually provide for Training, Job Placement, and Retention Tracking.

PROTECTIVE SERVICES PROGRAMS: Protective Services provides guardianship services to homebound clients who cannot come to the agency for service.