Employment & Training Modules
Many providers have programs designed to assist clients in attaining employment. These programs usually provide for Training, Job Placement, and Retention Tracking. CARES contains a complete set of tools which allow the training instructor and job placement staff to track the entire employment process from training to placement and follow-up.

» EDUCATION: The instructor creates the course design including the curriculum, end goals, skill sets to be developed, and course schedules.  The CARES module allows the instructor to enter the course curriculum, classes, and schedules.  Courses can be denoted as mandatory and optional so clients understand the requirements of the program.  Attendance can be tracked to allow the instructor to keep track of any issues with client participation.

» JOB PLACEMENT: This module provides tools for the employment counselor to plan the logistics of helping the client attain employment. Typical tasks include resume preparation, development of leads, purchase of clothes, and planning for the interview.  All these elements can be tracked through the module.

» RETENTION TRACKING: Once the client has obtained a job, this module tracks the client’s progress and records incentives the program provides clients for staying in the job